Sunday, March 24, 2013

Car Insurance : High savings for novice

Beginners can enjoy! Stiftung Warentest provides recently the reason: up to 3,000 euros savings in motor insurance waving a year anyone who wisely concludes his policies. But also for frequent drivers, ecological and negotiating artist financial advantages.

€3,000 For novice

According to the study in which 152 offers were evaluated by 74 auto insurers, are the highest savings in auto insurance for beginners. Who compares and completes a liability, as well as a partial cover insurance, can make up to 3,000 euros.

Several $100 savings

Car Insurance : High savings for novice
Not quite as high as for young car owners is the savings potential for frequent travellers, retirees, families and environmentally conscious driver, whose Fahrzeug accounted for less than 12 g / km CO2 emissions. They come from several 100 Euro discount in the best case.

Trend Internet

A recent Forsa poll shows also on behalf of the industry association BITKOM: the insured increasingly use the Internet to get an overview of the different offers of the car insurers. -9 Percent and thus twice as many people as in the previous year - completed online their contract. The tariff change mouse click is very popular by the way the 30-44 year-olds. Compare is fully in line with the trend. 31 Per cent of the insured find out online about new auto insurance and every seventh put his mark to bring a new insurance in place. Last year it was only every tenth person.

Tricks when changing

Who is happy actually with his current insurance, but has detected low rates for competitors, should negotiate. With some rhetorical skill, the original premium can be press if one carries the insurer the numbers and performance of the alternative provider in mind. Customers willing to change must comply with the notice period until 30 November. helps the termination and also offers, comprehensive advice on finding a suitable car insurance.

