Sunday, March 24, 2013

Car Insurance : Online degree by insurance is in vogue

The Germans in the trend is not only the search for insurance, but also the direct lump on the Internet. A Forsa study, which was conducted on behalf of the high-tech Association BITKOM came to this conclusion recently.

13.3 Million citizens use therefore the Web to easily through deals around on car insurance and - especially in the time of change of - about to find cheaper rates. More and more car owners bring their policy even with a mouse click in place. It was just five percent in the previous year – this year almost every tenth citizen online completes his contract.

The overview, the comparability and thus the industry-wide transparency are the strength of the online offers. Also Prof. Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer, President of BITKOM, includes this statement: "The Internet offers insurance best possibilities for price / performance comparison."

Car Insurance : Online degree by insurance is in vogue
User-friendly comparison calculator which are associated with the data of many insurance companies, pave the comfortable way to the appropriate policy. In a test in October 2010, by FinanceScout24, the grade "very good" (1.2) certifies the car insurance calculator and highlighted the exemplary usability.

In the age group of 30 - shoulder get insurance or change of tariffs on the Web now particularly well. Last year, 27 percent of the offerings, informed which decided 10% ten to an on-line contracting. This year, 31 percent are already looking for auto insurance--14 percent of this age group put their mark under a new policy online.

In the 45 - 59-year-old group, about a quarter on information tour goes around the subject of car insurance. 13 Percent chose a policy directly.

